Stephanie Singer, Data Scientist

Stephanie Singer has assembled, analyzed and explained data for private business, public agencies, campaigns and election oversight. In 2024 she created ElectionShield, a turnkey app that quickly and comprehensively scans election results for discrepancies, in partnership with Civera. Her public service projects have been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Knight Foundation. In 2020 she created the VoteVisualizer, a web app allowing users to explore comprehensive election results from across the country for which she won the 2023 Election Verification Network Innovation Award. Her client list includes the Oregon Secretary of State, the Orange County Registrar of Voters, Civera and Verified Voting

From 2023 - 2024 she served on the Alameda County (CA) Elections Commission. From 2012-2016 she served on the Philadelphia County (PA) Board of Elections -- including one year as chair -- where she made data freely available and used data analysis to catch election malfeasance and to prevent implementation of a disenfranchising Voter ID law. She made several voter-focused reforms, including introducing "I Voted Today" stickers to all Philadelphia polling places for the first time ever. She won the post by defeating a 36-year incumbent in a citywide election. Singer co-chaired the statewide Election Reform Committee of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.

Singer studied math and computer science at Yale and Stanford, completed a Ph.D. at New York University and earned tenure from Haverford College. She has written two books on mathematical physics.